Our rules and regulations for Texas Challenge
All Participants must be registered with the N.D.C.A. in order to compete.
Contact Dawid Schulz
3214 North University Avenue, Box #406,Provo, UT 84604,Telephone: (801) 422-8124 Home ,
Telephone: (862) 216-8123 Mobile
Email: ds24dance@gmail.com
Junior Dress Code: The junior dress code will be strictly enforced. See the N.D.C.A. rules for details. ndca.org
All persons attending this event, whether as a spectator, competitor, studio employee, official or guest of the organizer, shall be bound by the N.D.C.A. rules , and by participating in this event automatically becomes obligated to adhere to them.
TEXAS CHALLENGE, the organizers and the Westin Memorial Hotel cannot be held liable for injuries sustained by persons attending this event nor assume responsibility for loss or theft of personal property from the ballroom, changing rooms, or anywhere else on the premises.
Anyone attending this event automatically gives consent to the organizer to video with the intent that it may be televised in some fashion.
The TEXAS CHALLENGE Competition will be conducted under the rules of the N.D.C.A. and all their rules apply.
In addition to the following rules shall apply:
The organizers have hired the most qualified, Adjudicators and scrutineers available. The Chairperson of Judges shall be the sole arbiter on decisions concerning ties, penalties, and other judges’ decisions.
Leader Competitors are required to wear numbers. Showcases, solos, and Formations are exempt.
No lifts, drops, or floor drags permitted in Pro/Am or Amateur closed categories.
The On-Deck system will be used for line up for competition heats. Competitors must check in with the On Deck Captain and be prepared to compete at least 30 minutes before the time scheduled.
It is the responsibility of competitors to verify the correctness of entries, dances, and partners IN ADVANCE of the time scheduled for heats. You will be provided with “heat sheets” at registration.
SCRATCHED ENTRIES WILL BE ALLOUD AT THE EVENT , HOWEVER WILL NOT BE REFUNDED . All adjustments must be done prior to the event. Otherwise , every entry on the invoice must be paid for without negotiation.
No teacher will be permitted to compete with one of his/her students against another.
The organizers reserve the right to merge any competition with fewer than 3 entries.
All syllabi approved by the NDCA are allowed for all closed and open categories competed in at this competition. Invigilators and the chairperson of judges have been instructed to be cognizant of this fact when considering penalties.
Competitors dancing in OPEN categories are not required to stay within the parameters of step lists. You may do whatever your talents and experience allow you to do. Everything, however, must be within the bounds of good taste.
Refunds due to cancellations before the deadline will be processed after the competition. Doctor certificate required for refunds after deadline. Package and/or Entry cancellations and/or room reservations made after January 17th, 2020 will not be eligible for a refund. Any refunds, which meet the deadline, will be made 30 days following the competition minus a $50.00 per person handling fee.
There will be no credit given for cancellations made at the competition. Any changes made at the competition, due to no fault of the Organizer, will be assessed at $20 per change. PLEASE CHECK CONFIRMATION INFORMATION PRIOR TO COMING TO COMPETITION
Age Categories: [A]. Adult Competitors may enter, in addition to their regular age, TWO age categories younger than his/her regular age. (i.e. Ladies B1 can dance in Ladies A1 and Ladies A2 as well as Ladies B1)
Students may enter up to THREE CATEGORIES above his/her normal level of dancing. The Novice and Newcomer Events are not considered full categories. Anyone may enter Open championships.
Pro/Am Scholarships: Adult Scholarships are open to ages 16 and above . Jr competitors may not enter in both Jr & Adult Scholarships.
Students must enter 2 X number of Single dances and At least 1 Multi Dance Event for each scholarship they dance per age category!!!*These qualifying free-styles must be in the same level, style, and category as the scholarship. I.e.: six smooth single dances and Closed Multi Dance Event qualifies you for closed scholarship…..10 single Latin dances and 1 Latin Multi Dance Event qualifies you for open scholarship in that age category.
ANY open scholarship has no syllabus restrictions.
Male and females students in both Adult and Junior scholarships are combined and compete against the other.
All prize checks must be deposited within 90 days of the conclusion of the event.
Deadline for entries is April 21st, 2023. Please make sure you have filled out your entry forms completely for each person attending along with a financial tally sheet. Please print clearly so we get the spelling of your student’s names correct. Please return the forms to us by e-mail to texaschallenge@outlook.com
Upon arrival at the hotel, one representative from the studio should come to the registration desk and pick up the packages for his/her studio.
Any balance due must be paid before packages will be released.
Reserved seating will be assigned according to packages and date package order was received. Any groups wishing to sit together should order at the same time with a notation requesting seating together.
There is no limit to the number of Pro/Am Solos/Formations. Keep solo exhibitions/formation to a maximum of 2 1/2 minutes. Solo Exhibition music must be on individually labeled CDs/ flash drive and easily transferable to our music director.